Umræður um heilbrigðisþjónustu og möguleikann á því að fá fleiri heimsóknir frá sérhæfðu heilbrigðisstarfsfólki til Víkur - Discussion on healthcare services and the possibility of increasing visits from specialized healthcare personnel to Vík
Ráðið leggur til við sveitarstjórn að skoðaðar verði heildstæðar úrbætur á búnaði sundlaugarinnar í Vík sem hefur ítrekað bilað undanfarið og orsakað lokanir á aðstöðunni.
- The council directs the mayor to formally demand that telecommunications companies take immediate action to improve the backup power supply for telecommunications towers in the municipality. These upgrades are essential to ensure the reliability of services during power outages or emergencies.
The council recommends to the municipal council that comprehensive improvements to the equipment of the swimming pool in Vík, which has repeatedly malfunctioned recently and caused closures of the facility, be considered.