
The Evangelical Lutheran Church

The Evangelical Lutheran Church is the national church of Iceland. It is a free and independent religious community with a membership of around 70 percent of the population.

The main Evangelical Lutheran Church´s website is

In Mýrdalshreppur Municipality runs the Vík benefice (Víkurprestakall), which is a part of the South Iceland deanery (Suðurprófastsdæmi). To the Vík benefice belong six parishes: Vík´s parish, Reyni´s parish, Skeiðflöt´s parish, Eyvindarhólur´s parish, Ásólfsskáli´s parish, and Stóra-Dalur´s parish. Churches and the service of the local priest are open to everyone.

Sr. Árni Þór Þórsson
tel: 868 1924

All announcements related to messes, confirmations, weddings, prayers, etc. you can find on Facebook:


The Catholic Church

In the South of Iceland runs St. Mary Parish. The parish church is St. Mary´s Church in Breiðholt in Reykjavík. The parish was founded in 1985. Masses are held regularly in Selfoss and other municipalities, where churches belonging to the Lutheran Church or chapels are rented.

The main website of the Catholic Church in Iceland:

Mass times in South Iceland can be founded here:

In Hvolsvöllur, the mass is held every 3rd Sunday at 17:00 in Stórólfshvoll Church.


Other religions:

In Iceland are over 40 religions, ranging from Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Paganism (i.e. Ásatrú, the old Norse paganism), and Zuism to many other religious groups and life stances affiliations.