Education - kindergarten, primary school, music school, etc.

Leikskólinn Mánaland, our kindergarden

Pre-primary education is defined by law as the first level of the educational system, providing education and care for children who have not reached six years of age, at which point compulsory education begins.

The kindergarden in Mýrdalshreppur is called Mánaland. It’s located at Mánabraut 3-5 in Vík, in the same building as our primary school, the music school, and the Sports Center.

Mánaland welcomes children from the age of 1 until they start school around the age of 6. The kindergarten is divided into two classrooms – the youngest children, age 1-3, are in the Máni  (the Moon) group and the older ones, age 4-6, are in the Stjörnur  (Stars) group. Opening hours are from 7:45 to 16:15 on weekdays. Children can stay from 4  (it´s the minimum daily attendance) to 8 hours per day. A special fee is paid for every 15 minutes over 8 hours. Mánaland´s fees can be seen at:

The application for enrollment can be found on Mánaland´s website:

Admission is in line with the waiting list, where the oldest children are enrolled first. If your child is one year or older and is still on the waiting list you can apply for heimgreiðsla, a "cash-for-care" benefit in the Municipality’s office. The application form is on Mýrdalshreppur´s website:

Note: Benefit "cash-for-care" can be paid for 11 months a year (during the preschool year).  

Mánaland´s staff welcomes all parents and their children and can give all necessary information about care, education, activities, etc.

Tel. 487 1241


Víkurskóli, our primary school

Primary school is mandatory in Iceland from ages six to sixteen. Compulsory education is organized in a single structure system, i.e. primary and lower secondary education form part of the same school level. Our primary school, Víkurskóli, is located in the same building as the kindergarten, the music school, and the Sports Centre, at Mánabraut 3-5 in Vík.

Víkurskóli serves all children in the municipality, the school year starts in late August and ends in late May. The school is a multilevel classroom school and is divided into three levels: 1st-4th grades, 5th-7th grades, and 8th-10th grades.

Víkurskóli is a part of the European Network of Health Promoting Schools (Heilsueflandi skóli) and is an active Katla Geopark’s geoschool. Víkurskóli has also been for the last few years a part of the Erasmus+ international collaboration.

The school has a canteen and offers breakfast, lunch and afternoon refreshments for a small price. The paid after-school program, called “dægradvöl”, is also available for 6-10 years old children to bridge the time from the end of official school hours until 16:00. Dægradvöl organizes diverse recreational activities for the kids. Information about the after-school program can be found on Mýrdalshreppur’s website:

Parents are obligated to register their children at the primary school and are responsible for their attendance. To enroll a child in Víkurskóli please contact its principal, Elín Einarsdóttir, through the contact information below.

Tel: 487-1242

The Music School of Mýrdalshreppur – Tónskóli Mýrdalshrepps

The Music School of Mýrdalshreppurwelcomes all residents-from school age to retirement age-of the municipality seeking a musical education.

Instrumental lessons and stimulating general musical activities are offered on a good variety of instruments once or twice a week, either 30 or 60 minutes in total. Great flexibility and bespoke lesson times are available for adult learners. All students are offered the opportunity to play in small ensembles and bands and are actively encouraged to play at the annual concerts, as well as on many other cultural occasions.

The teaching year is divided into two terms: the spring term (from January to May) and the autumn term ( from September to December). Students can be enrolled on a half-time or a full-time basis in either August or January each year. Enrolment takes place in the Music School in Vík, which is located next to the Sports Centre. Alternatively, it is possible to complete an application form online on Mýrdalshreppur’s webpage. Tuition fees are listed on the form, along with details of discounts for family groups:

For more information or a chat please contact the principal teacher Brian R. Haroldsson. Zbigniew Zuchowicz and Teresa Zuchowicz also teach with the music school.

Tel.: 4871485

Organized summer activities for children – Leikjanámskeið í sumar

Each summer Mýrdalshreppur in cooperation with Katla´s Youth Club offers a period of organized summer activities for children in 1st to 4th grade. There are diverse recreational activities for children such as sports, games, and field trips.

For more information about prices, timetables, activities, and registration you can contact:

Tel: 487 1210


Comprehensive Secondary School – Framhaldsskóli

There are many different types of secondary schools in Iceland. Most offer a three-year graduation track after primary school. These are either vocational schools or prepare students for university. While secondary schooling is not mandatory, most choose to attend. Students apply for secondary schools that fit their interests or career objectives.

On the South Coast of Iceland are several comprehensive secondary schools:

- Fjölbrautaskóli Suðurlands / South Iceland College: Located in Selfoss, the school is one of the largest upper-secondary schools in the country outside the Capital. The school offers academic and vocational studies and has a wide variety of options for its students.

Further information:
Tel: 480 8100

- The Secondary School in Laugarvatn/ Menntaskólinn á Laugarvatni: The school is the third-oldest higher secondary school in Iceland and is located in the small town of Laugarvatn, situated by the Laugarvatn lake. The school operates two academic programs: the Natural Science Program and the Social and Humanities Program. These programs take three years and students graduate with the matriculation examination. The Secondary School offers also a campus with dining in their canteen.

Further information:
Tel: 480 8800

- The Secondary School in Vestmannaeyjar / Framhaldsskólinn í Vestmannaeyjum: Framhaldsskólinn í Vestmannaeyjum is a comprehensive college that offers vocational as well as general education as a preparation for academic studies. The school in Heimaey is the largest island in the Vestmannaeyjar cluster, approximately 4 nautical miles off the south coast of Iceland.

Further information:
Tel: 488 1070

- The Secondary School in Austur-Skaftafellssýsla / Framhaldsskólinn í Austur-Skaftafellssýslu: Framhaldsskólinn í Austur-Skaftafellssýsly is located in Höfn and offers basic academic studies but at the same time emphasis is placed on vocational training based on the current demand of such studies.

Further information:
Tel: 487 8070


University – Háskólar

Anyone who has completed upper secondary education in Iceland can apply to study at a university. With the exception of some courses like medicine and dentistry, the University of Iceland is obliged to accept all students who have an upper secondary diploma. Iceland has eight higher education institutions and most offer some subjects with the possibility of long-distance learning.

Lifelong learning center on the South Coast of Iceland – Fræðslunetið – símenntun á Suðurlandi

Fræðslunetið offers courses all over South Iceland for adults, develops educational opportunities, and works with people in the labor market to practice continuous education and career development. Fræðslunetið, for example, sets Icelandic courses on five different levels and offers other programs designed to assist people to settle down in Iceland. They also offer assistance for VPL (validation of prior learning) and career development.

Their main office is in Selfoss, but Áslaug Einarsdóttir is their representative in Vík and you can find her in Kötlusetur (Víkurbraut 28, 2nd floor).

Tel. 560 2032

Learning Icelandic:

Fræðsluletið - Lifelong learning center on the South Coast of Iceland offers courses in Icelandic (5 levels) and assistance in getting your education recognized in Iceland. Please contact them to get information regarding the next possible course!

The University of Iceland offers more intensive courses for those who want to master the Icelandic language by offering a full BA program in Icelandic as a second language.

If you want to study online there are plenty of options! To name a few, the University of Iceland prepared the website where you can learn the basics of Icelandic and have a good introduction to the language. Another school is for example Lóa, which offers also online Icelandic courses:

Kötlusetur - Katla Center can offer space for study groups to meet and is very open to supporting any kind of continuous learning interests! They would love to connect and welcome you for a chat!